#Region AutoIt3Wrapper directives section #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion=1.6 #EndRegion AutoIt3Wrapper directives section #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Jan Buelens, Landesk Software (idea stolen from Sergio Ribeiro) Script Function: CopyDrivers. This script copies machine dependent drivers to a provisioning / OSD client machine. A mapping table (CopyDrivers.ini) is used to map the WMI machine model to a driver source folder. A GUI is included to build CopyDrivers.ini Change History: V1.5.1 05 Dec 2008. This is the version that came out with the HII V9 document V1.6 07 July 2009. * Some people are copying dozens over even hundreds of MB. Progress info is therefore desirable. Picked up a copy function with progress bar * logging * Wildcard matching. Example: [Models] *=common Precision Workstation T3400=T3400 2007FVG=ThinkPad T60 HP Compaq dc5100 SFF*=DC5100 Now suppose a target machine has a WMI model name = "HP Compaq dc5100 SFF(PZ579UA)". The first line (*) matches all models, therefore the subfolders called "common" will be copied. The last line also matches, therefore subfolder DC5100 will also be copied. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include $progname = "CopyDrivers V1.6" Dim $logfilename = "" ; log file (from /log command line parameter) Dim $log = -1 Dim $iniFilename = "" Dim $Manufacturer = "" Dim $Model = "" Dim $Version = "" Dim $subfolder = "" Dim $SourceFolder = "" Dim $TargetFolder = "" Dim $sysprep = "C:\sysprep\sysprep.inf" Dim $bVerbose = False Dim $bRunOnce = True Dim $bCmdLines = True ; =========================================================================================== ; Validate command line parameters and verify that copydrivers.ini exists ; =========================================================================================== If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then DoGui() ; no command line parameters - do gui If $CmdLine[0] > 0 And ($CmdLine[1] = "/?" Or $CmdLine[1] = "-?" Or $CmdLine[1] = "help") Then Usage() EndIf For $n = 1 To $CmdLine[0] $s = "" If $CmdLine[$n] = "/s" Or $CmdLine[$n] = "-s" Then ; "legacy" syntax: /s If $n >= $CmdLine[0] Then Usage() $SourceFolder = $CmdLine[$n + 1] $n = $n + 1 ElseIf ValParam($CmdLine[$n], "s", $s) Then ; "new" syntax: /s= $SourceFolder = $s ElseIf $CmdLine[$n] = "/d" Or $CmdLine[$n] = "-d" Then ; "legacy" syntax: /d If $n >= $CmdLine[0] Then Usage() $TargetFolder = $CmdLine[$n + 1] $n = $n + 1 ElseIf ValParam($CmdLine[$n], "d", $s) Then ; "new" syntax: /d $TargetFolder = $s ElseIf ValParam($CmdLine[$n], "log", $s) Then $logfilename = $s ElseIf $CmdLine[$n] = "/c" Or $CmdLine[$n] = "-c" Then ; if no other command line parameters are required, use /c to copy drivers rather than launch GUI ElseIf $CmdLine[$n] = "/v" Or $CmdLine[$n] = "-v" Then $bVerbose = True; ;If there is a reason for not doing the cmdlines and GuiRunOnce stuff, uncomment these lines ; ElseIf $CmdLine[$n] = "/cmdlines" Or $CmdLine[$n] = "-cmdlines" Then ; $bCmdLines = False ; ElseIf $CmdLine[$n] = "/RunOnce" Or $CmdLine[$n] = "-RunOnce" Then ; $bRunOnce = False Else Usage() EndIf Next LogOpen($logfilename) $iniFilename = PathConcat(@ScriptDir, "copydrivers.ini") ; @ScriptDir is folder in which this script (or compiled program) resides LogIniSection($iniFilename, "Config") If Not FileExists($iniFilename) Then ErrorExit("File not found: " & $iniFilename, 2) ; If no source and target folders were defined on the command line, take them from the [Config] section of copydrivers.ini If $SourceFolder = "" Then $SourceFolder = IniRead($iniFilename, "Config", "DriversSource", "") If $TargetFolder = "" Then $TargetFolder = IniRead($iniFilename, "Config", "DriversTarget", "") If $SourceFolder = "" Then ErrorExit("No Drivers Source Folder defined", 3) If $TargetFolder = "" Then ErrorExit("No Drivers Target Folder defined", 4) LogMessage("source: " & $SourceFolder & ", target: " & $TargetFolder) ; =========================================================================================== ; Read Manufacturer, Model and Version from WMI. We only use Model. ; =========================================================================================== ReadWmi($Manufacturer, $Model, $Version) LogMessage("WMI info: Manufacturer=" & $Manufacturer & ", Model=" & $Model & ", Version=" & $Version) If $bVerbose Then MsgBox(0, $progname, "Manufacturer: " & $Manufacturer & @CRLF & "Model: " & $Model & @CRLF & "Version: " & $Version) ; =========================================================================================== ; Copy the driver files. Do a wildcard match of the WMI model with each line in [Models] section of copydrivers.ini ; and copy all subfolders that match ; =========================================================================================== DirCreate($TargetFolder) If Not IsFolder($TargetFolder) Then ErrorExit("Unable to create target folder: " & $TargetFolder, 8) ;IniReadSection returns a 2 dimensional array of keywords and values; $ini[n][0] is key # n, $ini[n][1] is value # n; $ini[0][0] is the number of elements LogIniSection($iniFilename, "Models") $ini = IniReadSection($iniFilename, "Models") If @error Or $ini[0][0] = 0 Then ErrorExit("There is no [Models] section in " & $iniFilename, 5) For $n = 1 To $ini[0][0] ; if $Model = $ini[$n][0] Then ; if you want a plain compare rather than wildcard match, uncomment this line and comment out next line If WildcardMatch($Model, $ini[$n][0]) Then $subfolder = $ini[$n][1] $src = PathConcat($SourceFolder, $subfolder) LogMessage("Match on line " & $n & ": " & $ini[$n][0]) LogMessage(GetTime() & " Start copy from " & $src & " to " & $TargetFolder) If Not IsFolder($src) Then ErrorExit("Source folder not found: " & $src, 7) ; Previous versions used the built-in DirCopy() function. Replaced with _CopyDirWithProgress(). If the new function causes trouble, use DirCopy again ; If Not DirCopy($src, $TargetFolder, 1) Then ErrorExit("Unable to copy folder: " & $TargetFolder, 9) ; 1 on DirCopy means overwrite existing files $stat = _CopyDirWithProgress($src, $TargetFolder) LogMessage(GetTime() & " End copy from " & $src & " to " & $TargetFolder) If $stat Then ErrorExit("Error copying driver files", 9) EndIf Next If $subfolder = "" Then ErrorExit("No match found for Model """ & $Model & """ in " & $iniFilename, 6) ; =========================================================================================== ; Handle RunOnce and CmdLines ; =========================================================================================== If $bRunOnce Then DoRunOnce() If $bCmdLines Then DoCmdLines() ; =========================================================================================== ; Done ; =========================================================================================== ; =========================================================================================== Func DoCmdLines() ; Run at deployment time if the $bCmdLines is true. If there is a cmdlines.txt file in the drivers folder that we just copied, set up ; sysprep.inf such that it will be processed at mini-setup time. If sysprep.inf already refers to a cmdlines.txt file, merge it. The cmdlines.txt file must be ; in the format as described in the sysprep documentation. Example: ; ; [cmdlines] ; "c:\drivers\setup\driver1\setup.exe" ; ; This program also has a GUI that allows cmdlines.txt to be edited in a convenient way, without the user being aware of the format or the location of the file. ; =========================================================================================== Local $MyBase = $TargetFolder Local $MyCmdLines = PathConcat($MyBase, "cmdlines.txt") Local $OemCmdLines = "" If Not FileExists($MyCmdLines) Then LogMessage("File not found: " & $MyCmdLines) Return EndIf LogMessage("File exists: " & $MyCmdLines) If Not FileExists($sysprep) Then ErrorExit("File not found: " & $sysprep, 2) Local $InstallFilesPath = IniRead($sysprep, "unattended", "InstallFilesPath", "") If $InstallFilesPath = "" Then ; no InstallFilesPath in sysprep.inf - create one $InstallFilesPath = $MyBase IniWrite($sysprep, "unattended", "InstallFilesPath", $InstallFilesPath) LogMessage("Added to sysprep.inf [unattended]: InstallFilesPath=" & $InstallFilesPath) EndIf $OemCmdLines = PathConcat($InstallFilesPath, "$oem$\cmdlines.txt") LogFileContents($OemCmdLines, $OemCmdLines & " before merge:") If Not FileExists($OemCmdLines) Then ; no $oem$\cmdlines.txt exist - just copy ours Local $success = FileCopy($MyCmdLines, $OemCmdLines, 8) ; 8 = create folders If $success = 0 Then ErrorExit("Copy " & $MyCmdLines & " to " & $OemCmdLines & " failed", 3) Else ; A $oem$\cmdlines.txt already exists - append ours Local $file1 = FileOpen($MyCmdLines, 0) ; 0 = read If $file1 = -1 Then ErrorExit("Error opening " & $MyCmdLines, 5) Local $file2 = FileOpen($OemCmdLines, 1) ; 1 = append If $file2 = -1 Then ErrorExit("Error opening " & $OemCmdLines, 4) While 1 $line = FileReadLine($file1) If @error Then ExitLoop If StringStripWS($line, 8) <> "[commands]" Then ; StringStripWS($line,8) strips all white space FileWriteLine($file2, $line) EndIf WEnd FileClose($file1) FileClose($file2) EndIf LogFileContents($OemCmdLines, $OemCmdLines & " after merge:") EndFunc ;==>DoCmdLines ; =========================================================================================== Func DoRunOnce() ; Run at deployment time if the $bRunonce is true. If there is a file called GuiRunOnce.ini in the drivers ; folder that we just copied, merge its GuiRunOnce section with the sysprep.inf GuiRunOnce section. The GuiRunOnce.ini file must be ; in the format as described in the sysprep documentation. Example: ; ; [GuiRunOnce] ; Command0="c:\drivers\driver1\setup.exe" ; Command1="c:\drivers\driver2\setup.exe" ; ; This program also has a GUI that allows GuiRunOnce.ini to be edited in a convenient way, without the user to be aware of the format or the location of the file. ; =========================================================================================== Local $MyRunOnce = PathConcat($TargetFolder, "GuiRunOnce.ini") If Not FileExists($MyRunOnce) Then LogMessage("File not found: " & $MyRunOnce) Return EndIf LogMessage("File exists: " & $MyRunOnce) LogIniSection($sysprep, "GuiRunOnce", "sysprep.inf [GuiRunOnce] section before merge:") If Not FileExists($sysprep) Then ErrorExit("File not found: " & $sysprep, 2) Local $section1[1][1] $section1[0][0] = 0 $section1 = IniReadSection($sysprep, "GuiRunOnce") If @error Then Dim $section1[1][1] $section1[0][0] = 0 EndIf Local $section2 = IniReadSection($MyRunOnce, "GuiRunOnce") If @error Or $section2[0][0] = 0 Then LogMessage("No [GuiRunOnce] section in " & $MyRunOnce) Return EndIf Local $count, $i $count = $section1[0][0] For $i = 1 To $section2[0][0] $count = $count + 1 ReDim $section1[$count + 1][2] $section1[$count][0] = $section2[$i][0] $section1[$count][1] = $section2[$i][1] Next $section1[0][0] = $count For $i = 1 To $section1[0][0] $section1[$i][0] = "Command" & ($i - 1) Next IniWriteSection($sysprep, "GuiRunOnce", $section1) LogIniSection($sysprep, "GuiRunOnce", "sysprep.inf [GuiRunOnce] section after merge:") EndFunc ;==>DoRunOnce ; =========================================================================================== ; Wilcard match. Autoit has native support for regular expression matching, but not for wildcard matching. This function massages the pattern so it can ; be used as a regular expression. Copied from http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=78620. Func WildcardMatch($str, $pattern) ; =========================================================================================== Local $sChar, $sChars = '\.+[^]$(){}=!<>|:' For $i = 1 To StringLen($sChars) $sChar = StringMid($sChars, $i, 1) $pattern = StringReplace($pattern, $sChar, '\' & $sChar) Next $pattern = StringReplace($pattern, '?', '.{1}') $pattern = StringReplace($pattern, '*', '.*') Return StringRegExp($str, $pattern) EndFunc ;==>WildcardMatch ; =========================================================================================== ; Set the 3 WMI attributes mentioned. We only use the Model, but feel free to organise things differently Func ReadWmi(ByRef $Manufacturer, ByRef $Model, ByRef $Version) ; =========================================================================================== $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") If $objWMIService = 0 Then ErrorExit("Failed to connect to WMI", 10) $colRows = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem") For $row In $colRows $Manufacturer = StringStripWS($row.Manufacturer, 3) $Model = StringStripWS($row.Model, 3) Next $colRows = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct") For $row In $colRows $Version = StringStripWS($row.Version, 3) Next Return True EndFunc ;==>ReadWmi ; =========================================================================================== Func Usage() ; =========================================================================================== MsgBox("0", $progname, _ "This program copies machine specific drivers from a source folder on a" _ & @CRLF & "server to a destination folder on the local machine." & @CRLF _ & @CRLF & "Optional command line parameters:" _ & @CRLF & " /s= : base path for machine specfic driver folders" _ & @CRLF & " (overrides DriversSource in copydrivers.ini)" _ & @CRLF & " /d= : target folder on the local machine." _ & @CRLF & " (overrides DriversTarget in copydrivers.ini)" _ & @CRLF & " /log= : log file." _ & @CRLF & " /v : verbose" _ & @CRLF & " /c : copy" _ & @CRLF & "" _ & @CRLF & "CopyDrivers requires a list that associates machine types with driver folders." _ & @CRLF & "This list is to be supplied in the [Models] section of copydrivers.ini, which" _ & @CRLF & "associates WMI model names with specific subfolders of ." & @CRLF _ & @CRLF & "When invoked without command line switches, CopyDrivers opens a GUI that allows" _ & @CRLF & "copydrivers.ini to be edited. Use /c to do the copying rather than show the GUI." _ ) Exit 1 EndFunc ;==>Usage ; =========================================================================================== Func GetTime() ; =========================================================================================== Local $s = @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC return $s EndFunc ; =========================================================================================== Func LogOpen(ByRef $logfilename) ; =========================================================================================== Local $scriptName = StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) While 1 If $logfilename <> "" Then ; log filename specified on command line $log = FileOpen($logfilename, 10) ; 10 = 2 (write, create) + 8 (create path) ExitLoop EndIf ; No /log command line parameter. If there is a copydrivers.ini file with a DriversTarget parameter (typically c:\drivers), create the log in there Local $iniFilename = PathConcat(@ScriptDir, "copydrivers.ini") Local $DriverPath = IniRead($iniFilename, "Config", "DriversTarget", "") if $DriverPath <> "" Then $DriverPath = StringStripWS($DriverPath, 3) if StringRight($DriverPath, 1) <> "\" Then $DriverPath &= "\" $logfilename = $DriverPath & $scriptName & ".log" $log = FileOpen($logfilename, 10) ; 10 = 2 (write, create) + 8 (create path) if $log <> -1 Then ExitLoop EndIf ; No /log command parameter and no copydrivers.ini. If running from a local path, create log in folder of running program If Not IsRemote(@ScriptFullPath) Then $logfilename = StringTrimRight(@ScriptFullPath, 3) & "log" $log = FileOpen($logfilename, 2) if $log <> -1 Then ExitLoop EndIf ; failed to create log $log = -1 $logfilename = "" return Wend LogCmdLine() EndFunc ; =========================================================================================== Func LogMessage($msg) ; =========================================================================================== FileWriteLine($log, $msg) EndFunc ; =========================================================================================== Func LogCmdLine() ; =========================================================================================== Local $n LogMessage($progname & ", command line parameter(s): " & $CmdLine[0]) For $n = 1 to $CmdLine[0] LogMessage(" " & $CmdLine[$n]) Next EndFunc ; =========================================================================================== Func LogIniSection($inifilename, $inisection, $msg = Default) ; =========================================================================================== Local $i if $msg = Default Then LogMessage($inifilename & ",section [" & $inisection & "]:") Else LogMessage($msg) EndIf Local $section = IniReadSection($inifilename, $inisection) if @error Then if not FileExists($inifilename) Then LogMessage(" File does not exist: " & $inifilename) Return EndIf LogMessage(" " & $inifilename & " includes no [" & $inisection & "] section") Return EndIf For $i = 1 to $section[0][0] LogMessage(" " & $section[$i][0] & " = " & $section[$i][1]) Next EndFunc ; =========================================================================================== Func LogFileContents($filename, $msg = Default) ; =========================================================================================== if $msg = Default Then LogMessage($filename & ":") Else LogMessage($msg) EndIf Local $f = FileOpen($filename, 0) if @error Then if not FileExists($filename) Then LogMessage(" File does not exist: " & $filename) Return EndIf LogMessage(" Error opening " & $filename) Return EndIf While 1 Local $line = FileReadLine($f) if @error Then ExitLoop LogMessage(" " & $line) WEnd FileClose($f) EndFunc ; =========================================================================================== ; Return true if $s is a network path. Must be full path. Func IsRemote($s) ; =========================================================================================== If StringLeft($s, 2) = "\\" Then Return True Local $drive = StringLeft($s, 3) if DriveGetType($drive) = "Network" Then Return True Return False EndFunc ; =========================================================================================== ; Return true if $s is a folder Func IsFolder($s) ; =========================================================================================== If Not FileExists($s) Or Not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($s), "D") Then Return False Return True EndFunc ; =========================================================================================== ; Concatenate a filename ($s) with a base path Func PathConcat($base, $s) ; =========================================================================================== $base = StringStripWS($base,3) $s = StringStripWS($s,3) if StringRight($base,1) <> "\" Then $base &= "\" if StringLeft($s,1) = "\" Then $s = StringTrimLeft($s,1) Return $base & $s EndFunc ; =========================================================================================== ; Return true if running under WinPE Func IsWinPE() ; =========================================================================================== If EnvGet("SystemDrive") = "X:" Then Return True Return False EndFunc ; =========================================================================================== Func ErrorExit($msg, $exitcode) ; =========================================================================================== LogMessage($msg) FileClose($log) MsgBox(0x40010, $progname, $msg, 10) ; 10 is timeout, i.e. the msgbox closes after 10 seconds Exit $exitcode EndFunc ; =========================================================================================== ; parse command line parameter such as /keyw=something. Examples: ; ValParam("/path=c:\temp", "path", $value) sets $value to "c:\temp" and returns True ; ValParam("-path=c:\temp", "path", $value) sets $value to "c:\temp" and returns True ; ValParam("/path=c:\temp", "dir", $value) sets $value to "" and returns False Func ValParam($param, $keyword, ByRef $value) ; =========================================================================================== $value = "" Local $p1 = "/" & $keyword & "=" Local $p2 = "-" & $keyword & "=" Local $len = StringLen($p1) if StringLen($param) < ($len + 1) Then Return False Local $t = StringLeft($param, $len) if ($t <> $p1) And ($t <> $p2) Then Return False $value = StringMid($param, $len + 1) ; 1 based Return True EndFunc #cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here comes the GUI stuff. It does nothing that you can't do by simply editing the CopyDrivers.ini file #ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; =========================================================================================== ; Main GUI function called when program is invoked with no command line parameters Func DoGui() ; =========================================================================================== $iniFilename = @ScriptDir & "\copydrivers.ini" ; @ScriptDir is folder in which this script (or compiled program) resides $SourceFolder = IniRead($iniFilename, "Config", "DriversSource", "") $TargetFolder = IniRead($iniFilename, "Config", "DriversTarget", "") #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=z:\install\autoit\koda_1.7.0.1\forms\myform1.kxf $Form_Main = GUICreate($progname, 452, 322) $BtnOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 16, 280, 97, 25, 0) $EditSource = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 13, 32, 305, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $BtnConfig = GUICtrlCreateButton("Edit", 335, 32, 57, 21, 0) $ListView1 = GUICtrlCreateListView("WMI Model|Subfolder", 13, 120, 305, 145) GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, 0x101E, 0, 150) GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, 0x101E, 1, 150) ; GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "abc") $BtnAdd = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add", 335, 126, 57, 21, 0) $BtnEdit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Edit", 335, 157, 57, 21, 0) $BtnDelete = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete", 335, 190, 57, 21, 0) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drivers source folder", 16, 14, 101, 17) $BtnCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 133, 281, 97, 25, 0) $EditTarget = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 13, 79, 305, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drivers target folder", 16, 61, 96, 17) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### GUICtrlSetData($EditSource, $SourceFolder) GUICtrlSetData($EditTarget, $TargetFolder) ;IniReadSection returns a 2 dimensional array of keywords and values; $ini[n][0] is key # n, $ini[n][1] is value # n; $ini[0][0] is the number of elements $items = 0 $count = 0 $ini = IniReadSection($iniFilename, "Models") If Not @error Then $items = $ini[0][0] EndIf $count1 = $items If ($items = 0) Then $count1 = 1 Dim $item[$count1][4] ; we'll store the model in item[n][0], the folder in item[n][1], the listview controlid in item[n][2] and the state (0 = deleted, 1 = active) in item[n][3] If $items = 0 Then ; if the section was empty or non-existing, we create one dummy item to avoid run-time errors $item[0][0] = "" $item[0][1] = "" $item[0][2] = 0 $item[0][3] = 0 EndIf For $n = 1 To $items $item[$n - 1][0] = $ini[$n][0] $item[$n - 1][1] = $ini[$n][1] $item[$n - 1][2] = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($ini[$n][0] & "|" & $ini[$n][1], $ListView1) $item[$n - 1][3] = 1 $count = $count + 1 Next While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $BtnOK IniWrite($iniFilename, "Config", "DriversSource", $SourceFolder) IniWrite($iniFilename, "Config", "DriversTarget", $TargetFolder) Dim $ini[$count][2] $i = 0 For $n = 0 To UBound($item) - 1 If $item[$n][3] = 1 Then $ini[$i][0] = $item[$n][0] $ini[$i][1] = $item[$n][1] $i = $i + 1 EndIf Next IniWriteSection($iniFilename, "Models", $ini, 0) Exit Case $BtnCancel Exit Case $BtnConfig $newSource = $SourceFolder $newTarget = $TargetFolder If EditConfig($newSource, $newTarget) Then $SourceFolder = $newSource $TargetFolder = $newTarget GUICtrlSetData($EditSource, $SourceFolder) GUICtrlSetData($EditTarget, $TargetFolder) EndIf Case $BtnDelete $id = GUICtrlRead($ListView1) For $n = 0 To UBound($item) - 1 If $item[$n][2] = $id And $item[$n][3] = 1 Then GUICtrlDelete($id) $item[$n][3] = 0 $count = $count - 1 EndIf Next Case $BtnAdd Dim $newModel = "" Dim $newFolder = "" If AddModel($newModel, $newFolder, 0) Then $n = UBound($item); ReDim $item[$n + 1][4] $item[$n][0] = $newModel $item[$n][1] = $newFolder $item[$n][2] = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($newModel & "|" & $newFolder, $ListView1) $item[$n][3] = 1 $count = $count + 1 EndIf Case $BtnEdit $id = GUICtrlRead($ListView1) For $n = 0 To UBound($item) - 1 If $item[$n][2] = $id And $item[$n][3] = 1 Then ExitLoop EndIf Next If $n >= UBound($item) Then ContinueLoop Dim $newModel = $item[$n][0] Dim $newFolder = $item[$n][1] If AddModel($newModel, $newFolder, 1) Then $item[$n][0] = $newModel $item[$n][1] = $newFolder GUICtrlSetData($id, $newModel & "|" & $newFolder) EndIf EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>DoGui ; =========================================================================================== ; GUI function called when the Add or Edit button is pressed. Func AddModel(ByRef $Model, ByRef $folder, $flag) ; flag = 0: Add flag = 1: Edit ; =========================================================================================== $title = "Add Model" If $flag = 1 Then $title = "Edit Model" #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=Z:\install\AutoIt\koda_1.7.0.1\Forms\Form_AddItem.kxf $Form_AddModel = GUICreate($title, 429, 413) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 8, 1, 297, 137) $InputModel = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 16, 40, 209, 21) $InputFolder = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 16, 97, 209, 21, BitOR($ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $ES_READONLY)) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Model", 16, 16, 33, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Subfolder", 17, 73, 49, 17) $Btn_WMI = GUICtrlCreateButton("WMI", 236, 40, 57, 21, 0) $BtnBrowse = GUICtrlCreateButton("..", 236, 97, 57, 21, 0) $CmdLines = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 16, 192, 385, 81, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN, $WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL, $WS_BORDER), $ES_MULTILINE) $ButtonOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", 321, 11, 75, 25, 0) $ButtonCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Cancel", 322, 43, 75, 25, 0) $RunOnce = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 16, 304, 385, 81, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN, $WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL, $WS_BORDER), $ES_MULTILINE) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Command lines for drivers that require a setup program", 8, 152, 409, 249) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Before reboot (cmdlines.txt)", 16, 174, 200, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("After reboot (GuiRunonce section of sysprep.inf)", 16, 287, 300, 17) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### GUICtrlSetData($InputModel, $Model) GUICtrlSetData($InputFolder, $folder) ; If the model specific folder exists, read the cmdlines.txt and GuiRunOnce.txt files from it and display their contents in the $cmdlines and $RunOnce edit boxes. ; If the model specific folder does not exist, disable the edit boxes $RunOnceText = "" $CmdLinesText = "" $ModelFolder = $SourceFolder & "\" & $folder If $SourceFolder = "" Or $folder = "" Then $ModelFolder = "---dummy---" If IsFolder($ModelFolder) Then $CmdLinesText = ReadCmdLines($ModelFolder) GUICtrlSetData($CmdLines, $CmdLinesText) $RunOnceText = ReadRunOnce($ModelFolder) GUICtrlSetData($RunOnce, $RunOnceText) Else GUICtrlSetState($CmdLines, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($RunOnce, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Return False Case $ButtonCancel GUIDelete($Form_AddModel) Return False Case $BtnBrowse $flag = 1 If IsWinPE() Then $flag = 0 $old = $SourceFolder + "\" + GUICtrlRead($InputFolder) $new = FileSelectFolder("Select Folder", $SourceFolder, $flag, $ModelFolder) ; $flag = 1 : Show Create Folder Button (does not work in WinPE) If $new <> "" Then $new = StringMid($new, StringLen($SourceFolder) + 2) GUICtrlSetData($InputFolder, $new) EndIf $ModelFolder = $SourceFolder & "\" & $new If $SourceFolder = "" Or $new = "" Then $ModelFolder = "---dummy---" If IsFolder($ModelFolder) Then ; User selected a new model specific folder - and the folder exists. Read the cmdlines.txt and GuiRunOnce.txt files from it and display their contents in the ; $cmdlines and $RunOnce edit boxes. GUICtrlSetState($CmdLines, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($RunOnce, $GUI_ENABLE) $CmdLinesText = ReadCmdLines($ModelFolder) $RunOnceText = ReadRunOnce($ModelFolder) Else ; User selected a new model specific folder - and the folder does not exist. Disable the $cmdlines and $RunOnce edit boxes. GUICtrlSetState($CmdLines, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($RunOnce, $GUI_DISABLE) $CmdLinesText = "" $RunOnceText = "" EndIf GUICtrlSetData($CmdLines, $CmdLinesText) GUICtrlSetData($RunOnce, $RunOnceText) Case $Btn_WMI ReadWmi($Manufacturer, $Model, $Version) GUICtrlSetData($InputModel, $Model) Case $ButtonOK $Model = StringStripWS(GUICtrlRead($InputModel), 3) $folder = StringStripWS(GUICtrlRead($InputFolder), 3) If $Model = "" Then MsgBox(0, $progname, "A model is required") ElseIf $folder = "" Then MsgBox(0, $progname, "A folder is required") Else $newCmdLinesText = GUICtrlRead($CmdLines) $newRunOnceText = GUICtrlRead($RunOnce) GUIDelete($Form_AddModel) If IsFolder($ModelFolder) Then If $newCmdLinesText <> $CmdLinesText Then SaveCmdLines($ModelFolder, $newCmdLinesText) If $newRunOnceText <> $RunOnceText Then SaveRunOnce($ModelFolder, $newRunOnceText) EndIf Return True EndIf EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>AddModel ; =========================================================================================== ; GUI function to edit the Source Folder and target folder settings Func EditConfig(ByRef $source, ByRef $target) ; =========================================================================================== #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=Z:\install\AutoIt\koda_1.7.0.1\Forms\Form_Config.kxf $Form_Config = GUICreate("Edit Config", 316, 197) ; GUISetIcon("D:\003.ico") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 8, 1, 297, 153) $EditSource = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 16, 38, 217, 21) $EditTarget = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 16, 110, 217, 21) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drivers Source Folder (Specify UNC path)", 16, 16, 200, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("DriversTarget Folder", 16, 87, 100, 17) $BtnBrowse = GUICtrlCreateButton("..", 244, 38, 57, 21, 0) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $BtnOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", 65, 163, 75, 25, 0) $BtnCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Cancel", 162, 163, 75, 25, 0) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### GUICtrlSetData($EditSource, $source) GUICtrlSetData($EditTarget, $target) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Return False Case $BtnCancel GUIDelete($Form_Config) Return False Case $BtnOK $source = StringStripWS(GUICtrlRead($EditSource), 3) $target = StringStripWS(GUICtrlRead($EditTarget), 3) If $source = "" Then MsgBox(0, $progname, "A source folder is required") Else GUIDelete($Form_Config) Return True EndIf Case $BtnBrowse $new = FileSelectFolder("Select Source Folder", "", 0, $source) $new = StringStripWS($new, 3) GUICtrlSetData($EditSource, $new) If $new <> "" Then $source = $new EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>EditConfig ; =========================================================================================== ; Used by GUI to read cmdlines.txt from specified folder. The data is returned in a format ready to be fed into a GUI edit box ; (lines separated by CR-LF). The header line ([Commands]) is not included in the data. Func ReadCmdLines($folder) ; =========================================================================================== Local $retstring = "" Local $filename = $folder & "\cmdlines.txt" Local $lineno = 0 Local $file = FileOpen($filename, 0) ; 0 = read If $file = -1 Then Return "" Local $line While 1 $line = FileReadLine($file) If @error Then ExitLoop If StringStripWS($line, 8) = "[commands]" Then ContinueLoop ; StringStripWS($line,8) strips all white space $line = StringStripWS($line, 3) ; 3 = strip leading & trailing while space If $line = "" Then ContinueLoop If StringLeft($line, 1) = '"' And StringRight($line, 1) = '"' Then $line = StringTrimLeft($line, 1) $line = StringTrimRight($line, 1) EndIf $line = StringStripWS($line, 3) ; 3 = strip leading & trailing while space If $line = "" Then ContinueLoop If $lineno > 0 Then $retstring = $retstring & @CRLF $lineno = $lineno + 1 $retstring = $retstring & $line WEnd FileClose($file) Return $retstring EndFunc ;==>ReadCmdLines ; =========================================================================================== ; Used by GUI to read GuiRunOnce.ini from specified folder. The data is returned in a format ready to be fed into a GUI edit box ; (lines separated by CR-LF). The header line ([GuiRunOnce]) is not included in the data, nor are the CommandN= prefixes. Func ReadRunOnce($folder) ; =========================================================================================== Local $retstring = "" Local $filename = $folder & "\GuiRunOnce.ini" Local $lineno = 0 Local $lines = IniReadSection($filename, "GuiRunOnce") If @error Then Return "" Local $i, $line For $i = 1 To $lines[0][0] $line = $lines[$i][1] If $line = "" Then ContinueLoop If StringLeft($line, 1) = '"' And StringRight($line, 1) = '"' Then $line = StringTrimLeft($line, 1) $line = StringTrimRight($line, 1) EndIf $line = StringStripWS($line, 3) ; 3 = strip leading & trailing while space If $line = "" Then ContinueLoop If $lineno > 0 Then $retstring = $retstring & @CRLF $lineno = $lineno + 1 $retstring = $retstring & $line Next Return $retstring EndFunc ;==>ReadRunOnce ; =========================================================================================== ; Used by GUI to save cmdlines.txt in specified folder. The input data ($text) is the raw data as read from the GUI edit control. The header line ([Commands]) is not expected to ; be included in the input data. Func SaveCmdLines($folder, $text) ; =========================================================================================== If Not IsFolder($folder) Then DirCreate($folder) Local $filename = $folder & "\cmdlines.txt" Local $file = FileOpen($filename, 2) ; 2 = create $text = StringReplace($text, @LF, "") Local $lineno = 0 Local $lines = StringSplit($text, @CR) Local $i, $line For $i = 1 To $lines[0] $line = StringReplace($lines[$i], @LF, "") $line = StringStripWS($line, 3) ; 3 = strip leading & trailing while space If $line = "" Then ContinueLoop If StringLeft($line, 1) = '"' And StringRight($line, 1) = '"' Then $line = StringTrimLeft($line, 1) $line = StringTrimRight($line, 1) EndIf $line = '"' & $line & '"' If $lineno = 0 Then FileWriteLine($file, "[Commands]") $lineno = $lineno + 1 FileWriteLine($file, $line) Next FileClose($file) If $lineno = 0 Then FileDelete($filename) EndFunc ;==>SaveCmdLines ; =========================================================================================== ; Used by GUI to save GuiRunOnce.ini in specified folder. The input data ($text) is the raw data as read from the GUI edit control. The header line ([GuiRunOnce]) is not expected to ; be included in the input data, nor are the "CommandN=" prefixes. Func SaveRunOnce($folder, $text) ; =========================================================================================== If Not IsFolder($folder) Then DirCreate($folder) Local $filename = $folder & "\GuiRunOnce.ini" Local $file = FileOpen($filename, 2) ; 2 = create $text = StringReplace($text, @LF, "") Local $lineno = 0 Local $lines = StringSplit($text, @CR) Local $i, $line For $i = 1 To $lines[0] $line = StringReplace($lines[$i], @LF, "") $line = StringStripWS($line, 3) ; 3 = strip leading & trailing while space If $line = "" Then ContinueLoop If StringLeft($line, 1) = '"' And StringRight($line, 1) = '"' Then $line = StringTrimLeft($line, 1) $line = StringTrimRight($line, 1) EndIf $line = 'Command' & $lineno & '="' & $line & '"' If $lineno = 0 Then FileWriteLine($file, "[GuiRunOnce]") $lineno = $lineno + 1 FileWriteLine($file, $line) Next FileClose($file) If $lineno = 0 Then FileDelete($filename) EndFunc ;==>SaveRunOnce #cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of GUI stuff. #ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy with Progress Bar. Copied from from http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11313 #ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; =========================================================================================== Func _CopyDirWithProgress($sOriginalDir, $sDestDir) ; =========================================================================================== ;$sOriginalDir and $sDestDir are quite selfexplanatory... ;This func returns: ; -1 in case of critical error, bad original or destination dir ; 0 if everything went all right ; >0 is the number of file not copied and it makes a log file ; if in the log appear as error message '0 file copied' it is a bug of some windows' copy command that does not redirect output... If StringRight($sOriginalDir, 1) <> '\' Then $sOriginalDir = $sOriginalDir & '\' If StringRight($sDestDir, 1) <> '\' Then $sDestDir = $sDestDir & '\' If $sOriginalDir = $sDestDir Then Return -1 ProgressOn('Copying Drivers...', 'Building list of files...' & @LF & @LF, '', -1, -1, 18) Local $aFileList = _FileSearch($sOriginalDir) If $aFileList[0] = 0 Then ProgressOff() SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf If FileExists($sDestDir) Then If Not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sDestDir), 'd') Then ProgressOff() SetError(2) Return -1 EndIf Else DirCreate($sDestDir) If Not FileExists($sDestDir) Then ProgressOff() SetError(2) Return -1 EndIf EndIf Local $iDirSize, $iCopiedSize = 0, $fProgress = 0 Local $c, $filename, $iOutPut = 0, $sLost = '', $sError Local $Sl = StringLen($sOriginalDir) _Quick_Sort($aFileList, 1, $aFileList[0]) $iDirSize = Int(DirGetSize($sOriginalDir) / 1024) ProgressSet(Int($fProgress * 100), $aFileList[$c], 'Copying file:') For $c = 1 To $aFileList[0] $filename = StringTrimLeft($aFileList[$c], $Sl) ProgressSet(Int($fProgress * 100), $aFileList[$c] & ' -> ' & $sDestDir & $filename & @LF & 'Total KB: ' & $iDirSize & @LF & 'Done KB: ' & $iCopiedSize, 'Coping file: ' & Round($fProgress * 100, 2) & ' % ' & $c & '/' & $aFileList[0]) If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($aFileList[$c]), 'd') Then DirCreate($sDestDir & $filename) Else If Not FileCopy($aFileList[$c], $sDestDir & $filename, 1) Then If Not FileCopy($aFileList[$c], $sDestDir & $filename, 1) Then ;Tries a second time If RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c copy /y "' & $aFileList[$c] & '" "' & $sDestDir & $filename & '">' & @TempDir & '\o.tmp', '', @SW_HIDE) = 1 Then ; and a third time, but this time it takes the error message $sError = FileReadLine(@TempDir & '\o.tmp', 1) $iOutPut = $iOutPut + 1 $sLost = $sLost & $aFileList[$c] & ' ' & $sError & @CRLF EndIf FileDelete(@TempDir & '\o.tmp') EndIf EndIf FileSetAttrib($sDestDir & $filename, "+A-RSH");<- Comment this line if you do not want attribs reset. $iCopiedSize = $iCopiedSize + Int(FileGetSize($aFileList[$c]) / 1024) $fProgress = $iCopiedSize / $iDirSize EndIf Next ProgressOff() If $sLost <> '' Then;tries to write the log somewhere. If FileWrite($sDestDir & 'notcopied.txt', $sLost) = 0 Then If FileWrite($sOriginalDir & 'notcopied.txt', $sLost) = 0 Then FileWrite(@WorkingDir & '\notcopied.txt', $sLost) EndIf EndIf EndIf Return $iOutPut EndFunc ;==>_CopyDirWithProgress ; =========================================================================================== Func _FileSearch($sIstr, $bSF = 1) ; =========================================================================================== ; $bSF = 1 means looking in subfolders ; $sSF = 0 means looking only in the current folder. ; An array is returned with the full path of all files found. The pos [0] keeps the number of elements. Local $sCriteria, $sBuffer, $iH, $iH2, $sCS, $sCF, $sCF2, $sCP, $sFP, $sOutPut = '', $aNull[1] $sCP = StringLeft($sIstr, StringInStr($sIstr, '\', 0, -1)) If $sCP = '' Then $sCP = @WorkingDir & '\' $sCriteria = StringTrimLeft($sIstr, StringInStr($sIstr, '\', 0, -1)) If $sCriteria = '' Then $sCriteria = '*.*' ;To begin we seek in the starting path. $sCS = FileFindFirstFile($sCP & $sCriteria) If $sCS <> -1 Then Do $sCF = FileFindNextFile($sCS) If @error Then FileClose($sCS) ExitLoop EndIf If $sCF = '.' Or $sCF = '..' Then ContinueLoop $sOutPut = $sOutPut & $sCP & $sCF & @LF Until 0 EndIf ;And after, if needed, in the rest of the folders. If $bSF = 1 Then $sBuffer = @CR & $sCP & '*' & @LF;The buffer is set for keeping the given path plus a *. Do $sCS = StringTrimLeft(StringLeft($sBuffer, StringInStr($sBuffer, @LF, 0, 1) - 1), 1);current search. $sCP = StringLeft($sCS, StringInStr($sCS, '\', 0, -1));Current search path. $iH = FileFindFirstFile($sCS) If $iH <> -1 Then Do $sCF = FileFindNextFile($iH) If @error Then FileClose($iH) ExitLoop EndIf If $sCF = '.' Or $sCF = '..' Then ContinueLoop If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sCP & $sCF), 'd') Then $sBuffer = @CR & $sCP & $sCF & '\*' & @LF & $sBuffer;Every folder found is added in the begin of buffer $sFP = $sCP & $sCF & '\'; for future searches $iH2 = FileFindFirstFile($sFP & $sCriteria); and checked with the criteria. If $iH2 <> -1 Then Do $sCF2 = FileFindNextFile($iH2) If @error Then FileClose($iH2) ExitLoop EndIf If $sCF2 = '.' Or $sCF2 = '..' Then ContinueLoop $sOutPut = $sOutPut & $sFP & $sCF2 & @LF;Found items are put in the Output. Until 0 EndIf EndIf Until 0 EndIf $sBuffer = StringReplace($sBuffer, @CR & $sCS & @LF, '') Until $sBuffer = '' EndIf If $sOutPut = '' Then $aNull[0] = 0 Return $aNull Else Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sOutPut, 1), @LF) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FileSearch ; =========================================================================================== Func _Quick_Sort(ByRef $SortArray, $First, $Last);Larry's code ; =========================================================================================== Local $Low, $High Local $Temp, $List_Separator $Low = $First $High = $Last $List_Separator = StringLen($SortArray[($First + $Last) / 2]) Do While (StringLen($SortArray[$Low]) < $List_Separator) $Low = $Low + 1 WEnd While (StringLen($SortArray[$High]) > $List_Separator) $High = $High - 1 WEnd If ($Low <= $High) Then $Temp = $SortArray[$Low] $SortArray[$Low] = $SortArray[$High] $SortArray[$High] = $Temp $Low = $Low + 1 $High = $High - 1 EndIf Until $Low > $High If ($First < $High) Then _Quick_Sort($SortArray, $First, $High) If ($Low < $Last) Then _Quick_Sort($SortArray, $Low, $Last) EndFunc ;==>_Quick_Sort