; ; hpcustomcapext.inf ; ; Installs the HP Application Driver Extension ; ; Copyright(c) 2018, HP Development Company, L.P.All rights reserved. ; This software contains confidential and proprietary information of HP. ; The user of this software agrees not to disclose, disseminate or copy ; such Confidential Information and shall use the software only in accordance ; with the terms of the license agreement the user entered into with HP. ; [Version] Signature = $Windows NT$ Class = Extension ClassGuid = {e2f84ce7-8efa-411c-aa69-97454ca4cb57} Provider = %Company% ExtensionId = {30E20916-51CC-469C-AD2D-EAEEE7624B3B} CatalogFile.ntamd64 = hpcustomcapextx64.cat CatalogFile.ntx86 = hpcustomcapextx86.cat DriverVer = 10/02/2018,1.5.750.0 ;======================= Device Install Section======================== [DestinationDirs] EXE.CopyList.ntamd64 = 13, x64 EXE.CopyList.ntx86 = 13, x86 [Manufacturer] %Mfg% = HP, ntamd64, ntx86 ;======================= Device Install x64 Section ======================== [HP.ntamd64] %DeviceDesc% = hpcustomcapext_Install.ntamd64, ACPI\HPIC000C [hpcustomcapext_Install.ntamd64] [hpcustomcapext_Install.ntamd64.Components] AddComponent = FusionSoftware, , FusionSoftware_Component_Inst64 [FusionSoftware_Component_Inst64] ComponentIDs = HPIC000C Description = %FusionSoftwareKey% ;======================= Device Install x86 Section ======================== [HP.ntx86] %DeviceDesc% = hpcustomcapext_Install.ntx86, ACPI\HPIC000C [hpcustomcapext_Install.ntx86] [hpcustomcapext_Install.ntx86.Components] AddComponent = FusionSoftware, , FusionSoftware_Component_Inst86 [FusionSoftware_Component_Inst86] ComponentIDs = HPIC000C Description = %FusionSoftwareKey% [Strings] Mfg = "HP" DiskId = "Install disk (1)" Company = "HP Inc." DeviceDesc = "HP Application Driver Extension" FusionSoftwareKey = "HP Application Enabling Services" ; ; The "standard" defines ; REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x00020000 REG_DWORD = 0x00010001 SERVICE_BOOT_START = 0x00000000 SERVICE_SYSTEM_START = 0x00000001 SERVICE_AUTO_START = 0x00000002 SERVICE_DEMAND_START = 0x00000003 SERVICE_DISABLED = 0x00000004 SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE = 0x00000000 SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL = 0x00000001 SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE = 0x00000002 SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL = 0x00000003 COPYFLG_WARN_IF_SKIP = 0x00000001 COPYFLG_NOSKIP = 0x00000002 COPYFLG_NOVERSIONCHECK = 0x00000004 COPYFLG_FORCE_FILE_IN_USE = 0x00000008 COPYFLG_NO_OVERWRITE = 0x00000010 COPYFLG_NO_VERSION_DIALOG = 0x00000020 COPYFLG_OVERWRITE_OLDER_ONLY = 0x00000040 COPYFLG_REPLACEONLY = 0x00000400 COPYFLG_NODECOMP = 0x00000800 COPYFLG_REPLACE_BOOT_FILE = 0x00001000 COPYFLG_NOPRUNE = 0x00002000 COPYFLG_IN_USE_RENAME = 0x00004000